stdout HunterPenisSize(InputBox("Enter the weight of the animal hunted")) Function HunterPenisSize(AnimalWeight As Long) As Single ' inches ' Const ElephantWeight = 13000 ' lbs Const BiggestPrick = 5 ' average at best Const DickFactor = ElephantWeight / (BiggestPrick ^ 3) If AnimalWeight < 0 Then HunterPenisSize = BiggestPrick Else HunterPenisSize = BiggestPrick - ((AnimalWeight / DickFactor) ^ 0.5) End If End Function
Friday, September 14, 2018
Hunter penis size
Dim RudyGuiliani If Not (True Eqv True) Then RudyGuiliani = "amazing" Else RudyGuiliani = "full of shit" E...
bool IsZero = true ; // Schrodinger's boolean in C++